Hybrid chestnut 'Vermont'
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Pure Chinese chestnut (origin from southern Quebec) Castanea mollissima
Pure Chinese chestnut (origin from southern Quebec) Castanea mollissima
Hybrid chestnut 'Timber'
Hybrid chestnut 'Timber'
The hybrid American chestnut 'Vermont' is a cross of (Mollissima x Dentata) which is a mixture of the American chestnut and Chinese chestnut varieties, making it resistant to blight. This hybrid tree is ideal for orchard plots and land use planning for hunting thanks to its sweet, protein-rich nuts which provide a rich source of nutrition for wildlife and humans. Its hardiness and drought tolerance characteristics make it an excellent choice for many climates. Nut fall is expected between the end of September or beginning of October in abundance.
Hardiness Zones
Specific port
Growth speed
Flowering period
Number of years for production
8 years