Pear Savignac
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
European Variety
Extremely productive and very hardy pear tree. Greenish-yellow fruit, excellent for fresh or preserved consumption. Very vigorous, excellent disease resistance. It will begin to produce fruit 3 to 5 years after planting. Pruning is done in March, at the end of winter.
Pollination: Self-sterile. Requires another pear tree for pollination.
Compatible varieties:pear tree Flemish Beauty, pear treeHarrow sweet em>, Red Clapp pear tree, Summercrisp pear tree, pear tree Beurré Giffard, strong> pear tree Bonne Louise de Jersey, pear tree Bosc, pear tree Conference, handstand Dewdrop, handstand Gin, handstand Harovin Bounty, pear tree Harrow delight, pear tree Harrow Gold, pear tree < em>Loma, pear tree Maxine, pear tree Passe Crassane, Luscious pear tree, Seckel pear tree, Ste-Sophie pear tree em>, Clapps Favorite pear tree, Lorraine pear tree, Moonglow pear tree , Northbrite pear tree, So Sweet pear tree, Patten pear tree.< /strong>
Planting distance between trees: 12-14 feet.
Hardiness zone: 3
Hardiness Zones
Number of years for production
4 years