Pear tree 'Dewdrop on OHxF87 semi dwarf
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
European Variety
Yellow fruit with a medium blush and an elongated neck. The skin is of medium thickness and the flesh is creamy white in color and juicy with excellent flavor.
Medium to strong vigor, semi-upright habit. Full sun required for maximum blush development. Excellent fruit storage.
Pollination: Self-sterile. Requires another pear tree for pollination.
Planting distance between trees: 12-14 feet.
Hardiness zone: 5
Diseases: Good tolerance to bacterial burns.