Sweet cherry combo Glacier, Van, Bing, Royal Ann on the same rootstock
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Sweet Cherry BENTON® Semi-Dwarf (Krymsk 5)
Sweet Cherry BENTON® Semi-Dwarf (Krymsk 5)
Sweet cherry 'Bing' Prunus avium (dwarf rootstock)
Sweet cherry 'Bing' Prunus avium (dwarf rootstock)
Sweet Cherry : BLACK PEARL® on (KRYMSK 5)
Sweet Cherry : BLACK PEARL® on (KRYMSK 5)
Sweet cherry Early Star on Krymsk 5
Sweet cherry Early Star on Krymsk 5
Sweet Cherry Kristin
Sweet Cherry Kristin
Lapin Sweet Cherry (prunus avium)
Lapin Sweet Cherry (prunus avium)
New 3 to 4 varieties on the same rootstock
Glacier, Van, Bing, Royal Ann
Zone 5 b minimum
Hardiness Zones
Specific port
Growth speed
Flowering period
Number of years for production
3 ans