Pear tree 'Krazulya' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
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Manchurian variety
A very tasty and very sweet pear with a discreet spicy note, it is the tastiest of summer pears. The fruit is yellow with a light red cheek, its texture is soft and its shape is more round than pear-shaped.Early pear tree.Good pear tree for eating fresh or processed.
Pollination: Self-sterile. Requires another pear tree for pollination.
Compatible varieties:pear tree Early Gold, pear tree Ure, pear tree John, pear treeVekovaya, pear tree Golden Spice, pear tree Larinskaya.
Planting distance between trees: 12-14 feet.
Hardiness zone: 3
Illnesses: No illnesses are known to him to date.