Chum cherry plum Dura
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Chum cherry plum Sapa
Chum cherry plum Sapa
Cherry plum Nadia (chum) (dwarf rootstock)
Cherry plum Nadia (chum) (dwarf rootstock)
Chum are crosses between a plum tree and a cherry tree. Make sure you have two different varieties for pollination.
Very small shrub, fruit with MAUVE flesh, good resistance to plum diseases, fruit production in 2 years!
Hardiness zone: 2
Compatible varieties: Chum cherry plum Convoy, Chum cherry plum Sapalta, Chum cherry plum Manor, Chum cherry plum New Oka, Chum plum -cherry Sapa, Chum cherry-plum Kappa, Chum cherry-plum Nadia< /em>, Chum cherry plum Mustang, Chum cherry plum Opata.
Planting distance between two trees: 10 feet
Hardiness Zones
Specific port
Growth speed
Flowering period
Number of years for production
4 ans