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  • Deliveries completed for the 2024 season - New orders will be shipped starting in April 2025.
  • Deliveries completed for the 2024 season - New orders will be shipped starting in April 2025.

Mockernut hickory, Carya tomentosa

Regular price $8.50

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Carya tomentosa, (Mockernut hickory, mockernut, white hickory,  is a tree in the Juglandaceae or Walnut family. The most abundant of the hickories, common in the eastern half of the US, it is long lived, sometimes reaching the age of 500 years. A straight-growing hickory, a high percentage of its wood is used for products where strength, hardness, and flexibility are needed. The wood makes an excellent fuelwood, as well. The specie's name comes from the Latin word tomentum, meaning "covered with dense short hairs," referring to the underside of the leaves which help identify the specie. Also called the White Hickory due to the light color of the wood, the tree's common name of "Mockernut" comes from the large, thick-shelled fruit with very small kernels of meat inside.  A medium sized to large tree capable of reaching over 25 m or 100 feet tall with a straight stem and a rounded crown. Suitable for zone 5a.

Hardiness Zones

  • 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a

Specific port

  • Colonnaire
  • Globulaire

Growth speed

  • Slow
  • Moderate

Flowering period

  • Mai

Number of years for production

16 à 20 ans

Harvest month

  • Octobre


  • Full-sun

IMPORTANT: We do not deliver trees that are 7' and taller! (Pick-up at the nursery only). Orders placed from now on will be delivered in the spring. Please select your preferred delivery week at the bottom of the cart.

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