Honey Sweet pear semi-dwarf rootstock (OHxF87)
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
Luscious pear tree (pyrus Spp)
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Pear Patten on OHxF87 semi dwarf
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
Pear Tree ''Summercrisp'' Large Semi-Dwarf (OHxF97)
European Variety
A pear with a smooth, butter-colored skin, similar to the familiar Seckel pear but larger, Honey Sweet ripens to a russet-gold color at the end of the warm season. Honey Sweet is very resistant to fire blight and disease making it an ideal product for little ones fruit orchards and local markets.
Pollination: Self-sterile. Requires another pear tree for pollination.
Planting distance between trees: 12-14 feet.
Hardiness zone: 5