Peach Virgil
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Productive and consistent. The tree has beautiful, fragrant pink flowers in spring that turn into reddened fruits in late summer. Consistently produces large, round, firm fruits. Flavorful and sweet, this peach is delicious to eat fresh, and beneath the reddened skin there is golden flesh perfect for canning and other processing of your taste. The fruits resist pit splitting and retain the flesh around the pit. Ripens in late August.
Pollination: Self-fertile, but yields best when planted near another peach variety with a similar flowering time.
Planting distance between trees: 10-12 feet.
Hardiness zone: Zone 6 in open ground. Zone 3 to 5 for growing in pots.
Sunlight: Full sun.
Hardiness Zones
Number of years for production
3 years
Harvest month
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