Katsura tree (Cerciciphyllum japonicum)
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The Japanese Cercidiphyllum, or Katsura tree, a small tree native to eastern Asia, belongs to a family which has only one genus and one species. It is sometimes planted as a shade tree. This tree can reach 30 m, even 45 m in its native area (Japan, Korea, China), but does not seem to exceed 15 m here. The leaves are heart-shaped (heart-shaped) and have a crenate margin. They resemble those of the Judas tree (which is the origin of the genus name Cercidiphyllum meaning "Cercis leaves"). They turn pink to yellow in the fall before falling.
The discreet flowers appear in early spring (March/April). The fruits form clusters of two to four elongated fruits 1 to 1.8 cm long and 2-3 mm wide. Each fruit contains several winged seeds. Rustic in zone 4b.