Sweet cherry 'Rainier' P. avium (dwarf rootstock)
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This tree needs pollination
Compatible trees:
Sweet cherry 'Bing' Prunus avium (dwarf rootstock)
Sweet cherry 'Bing' Prunus avium (dwarf rootstock)
Sweet cherry 'Van' p. avium (dwarf rootstock)
Sweet cherry 'Van' p. avium (dwarf rootstock)
Height 4 m by 4 m wide. should be planted in areas most protected from the wind. Sweet cherry, yellow fruit with red cheek, tasty, firm and sweet flesh. Early harvest. Fruiting takes 3 to 5 years. All dead branches should be pruned to prevent disease.
For growing below zone 5: Grow in pots and lay down for winter, cover with snow.
Hardiness zone: 5
Compatible variety for cross-pollination: Cherry Van, Cherry Bing.
Planting distance between trees: 12 feet
Exposure: Sun, partial shade.
Hardiness Zones
Number of years for production
4 years