Bee bee tree, (Tetradium daniellii)
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BeeBee tree (Tetradium daniellii) is the best for honey-production. This tree is hardy to cold (-27°C) fast-growing tree that offers a spreading crown. It resists drought well as well as environments with air pollution such as in large cities. Its leaves are deciduous and measure up to 50 cm long. They are pinnate, shiny and can have up to 11 elliptical, oval or lanceolate leaflets, dark green in color turning yellow in the fall.
During the summer, small white flowers with yellow anthers, fragrant, are gathered in corymbs 6 to 14 cm wide. Then, compact clusters of round fruits measuring 3 to 8 mm in diameter are formed. Their color varies from red-brown to black and they are of interest to birds. Bees are very attracted to the extremely nectar- and honey-producing flowers, which explains why it is called a “honey tree”. It also bears the names Euodia daniellii, Euodia hupehensis and sometimes Evodia, due to a spelling error.
Ideal soil and exposure for planting the honey tree in the garden. The bee bee tree grows in well-drained soil because it does not like humidity. We do not know of any specific enemies or parasites.
Hardiness Zones
Specific port
Growth speed
Flowering period
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